TEAm newfoundland

Sheldon Brown

Age:  48

Sled:  2022 backcountry xrs

How many days to do 1000 Miles? 3

Hometown:  Twillingate, Newfoundland

What inspired you to want to do the 1000 Mile Challenge?

  Not getting any younger

What is the most miles you have ever travelled in one day on a snowmobile? 

Roy Ricks

Age: 55

Sled: 2020. 850 backcountry xrs

How many days to do 1000 Miles? 3

Hometown: Twillingate, Newfoundland

What is the most miles you have ever travelled in one day on a snowmobile? 



Pledge per Mile

$100 +HST - Pledge per 100 mile section.  Sponsors pledge to cover 1 of ten 100-mile sections (1000 Miles total).  Riders announce who is sponsoring that section of their journey. 
*This sponsorship will support riders' expenses - not contribute to kids' camp fees.


Bronze Team Sponsor

$300 +HST - Sponsor’s name is on any promotional banners/ support trailer if one is used.  Includes one exclusive mention on social media post - to be shared on the 1000 Mile Challenge Social media platform.


Silver Team Sponsor

$500 +HST - Sponsor’s name/logo included on rider’s sled.  Limited space of 30-40 slots available on each rider’s sled, either in the wrap design or applied decals to the machine.  If teams want to have their own team swag/uniform, sponsors' logos could be included on their clothing.

*Includes Bronze level as well.


Gold Team Sponsor

$1500 +HST - Can be rider or team-specific. Each Gold level Sponsor is awarded the chance to be the Title Sponsor for the team.  Your Company name as team name - Example: ‘Team MacLean’s Sports” or "Team Sharpes-Adidas" for 2,  for the maximum exposure for your company. Other perks include custom graphics, ongoing online promotion, logos on Official Event poster and event  billboards/banners, verbal thanks during the Live Event and Ceremonies.

*This also includes everything in the Bronze and Silver Sponsors packages.

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